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Topics: Construction
PMP or Construction managent degree? Both?
Andrew Larson Student| None Florida, USA
Hello, I am a senior in high school aiming to become a superintendent for my career. By the end of this year I will graduate high school, in addition I will have my associates degree because of a program I am in and I will have to apply for college. I am wondering what the best route for me would be. Should I get a Construction Management degree and a PMP? Business degree and a PMP? Something else? Thank you.
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William M Hayden Jr Adjunct Assistant Professor| University at Buffalo, School of Management, Operations Management & Strategy Buffalo, Ny, USA
Congrats Andrew on the steps you have taken so far.

Request interviews with construction staff who have more than 15 years of experience.
Ask them, looking back, what path(s) might they have taken if they knew then, what they now know.

Also, checkout orgs at
Rami Kaibni
Community Champion
Senior Projects Manager | Field & Marten Associates New Westminster, British Columbia, Canada
Andrew, a CM degree combined with the PMP would be great but for starters, I would go for a CM degree until you gain enough experience to apply for the PMP.
Babatunde Oladogba Project Architect | Web Architect Berlin, BE, Germany

Hello Andrew,
Congratulations as you graduate soon.
First, I think you need to first narrow down what you want between a construction management degree and a business degree. A construction management degree is niche specific, while there are other forms of degrees embedded in business. Seeking advice from professionals in the industry might also help you make an informed decision.

Getting a degree provides you with the foundational domain knowledge. So, get a degree first, get some work experience, then get PMP afterwards.

Community Champion
ICT Program Manager/Dir| LM Ericsson Nigeria Victoria Island, Lagos, Nigeria
Hi Andrew,

I would suggest you get your CM degree and acquire your PMP after you have gained the required experience to apply.

All the best.
Aung Sint
Community Champion
Senior Consultant| Laminar Projects
span style="box-sizing: border-box; margin: 0px; padding: 0px;"Andrew Larson If you're not so sure of construction as your career, I'd suggest you do an industry attachment or internship program with a local construction firm or construction consulting firm to get to know what's like, what's a day-to-day job like./span From there, you can decide whether construction is still what you are passionate about.
As many suggested, I'd probably go with the CM degree before getting into a PMP.
Do let us know if you have any specific questions. All the best, and congrats again!

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