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Topics: Artificial Intelligence
Best course (Online/Offline) for Gen AI
Mrinal Kumar Hyderabad, Telangana, India
can someone guide me for a course on Gen AI which can help me in my current job of project management and business transformation in NON IT set up
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Rami Kaibni
Community Champion
Senior Projects Manager | Field & Marten Associates New Westminster, British Columbia, Canada
Mrinal, PMI released three Gen AI courses that are free for members. Below is a link for the first course:

You can find the other two in PMI store.
Sergio Luis Conte Helping to create solutions for everyone| Worldwide based Organizations Buenos Aires, Argentina
As Rami Kaibni wrote above take a look to the 3 free courses delivered by the PMI. On the other side, my recommendation is going to free courses delivered by Google.
Aaron Porter IT Director| Blade HQ Pleasant Grove, Ut, USA
Andy Kaufman's course, AI Made Simple, is a good starting point. If you want to dive deeper into prompt engineering patterns and custom GPTs, Coursera offers a series of classes from Vanderbilt that I've found helpful.

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"You cannot prevent the birds of sorrow from flying over your head, but you can prevent them from building nests in your hair."

- Chinese Proverb

