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Defense Extension to PMBOK Guide
Suhail Iqbal Suhail Iqbal PMIATP CIPM FAAPM MPM MQM CLC CPRM SCT AEC SDC SMC SPOC PRINCE2 MCT| PM Training School Rawalpindi, Punjab, Pakistan
A couple of years ago, PMI developed Defense Extension to PMBOK Guide for US Armed Forces. We have neither seen any new edition or even the original extension has also been removed from PMI standards list. Can someone let me know why did that happen? I suppose it was a wonderful standard.
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John Herman . Us, Aa, USA
Older versions are still available on and other online bookstores. My guess is that there was a need to have some of the content fall under security classification and that the latest versions of the document are no longer available to the general public. Just my guess as someone who has, in the past, worked for the US government and held a security clearance.
Suhail Iqbal Suhail Iqbal PMIATP CIPM FAAPM MPM MQM CLC CPRM SCT AEC SDC SMC SPOC PRINCE2 MCT| PM Training School Rawalpindi, Punjab, Pakistan
Thanks John, that clears the air.
David Maynard Fort Wayne, In, USA
Suhail, you can download it free here and other places as well. No secrets involved. I think its more a case of PMI following the market. Defense contractors all have their processes well in place and there is little growth in that area.
Suhail Iqbal Suhail Iqbal PMIATP CIPM FAAPM MPM MQM CLC CPRM SCT AEC SDC SMC SPOC PRINCE2 MCT| PM Training School Rawalpindi, Punjab, Pakistan
Thank you David. I do have this version, but I was wondering if it was ever revised and updated. Anyways thanks a lot for your kindness in pointing me to the right direction.
Sanaullah Chaudhry Program Management Consultant| Department of National Defence - Canada Mississauga, Ontario, Canada
Some thoughts extracted from my past PMI-Notes: 'The applicability of the DoD PMBOK® Extension and the CAQ (Certificate of Qualification) will be further enhanced if the DoD determines that DoD acquisition program (contractors) will be required to have their PPM (project and program managers) CAQ certified, based on yet to be determined contract criteria'. Noticed such discussions have occurred but not resolved by submittal time (except some job-specific customized solutions - SC) .

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- Woody Allen

