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Web PM Tools for Complex Engineering Projects
Greg Chokas Sr. Engineering Project Manager| Advanced Navigation and Poitioning Corporation White Salmon, Wa, USA
The company I work for is looking for a web based project management system/tool. As the engineering project manager I manage multiple engineering projects as sub projects in MS Project. Does anyone know if a master project with sub-projects can be imported to an online PM tool and keep inter-project links. (Highly doubtful, but have to ask.) Any recommendations of tools to investigate. To date I have looked at Wrike, KeyedIn, and Mavenlink to name a few. Ideally the tool would integrate with QuickBooks and excel in resource management. Thanks for any assistance.
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Mikel Steadman PMO Leader| Development Dimensions International Troy, Nh, USA
I think web-based tools are great. I think forcing a good project management practice to fit a web-based tool is flawed. I use JIRA, WRIKE, and MS PROJECT.

The risk with exporting large projects into tools like Wrike is that many of these solutions have import capacity limits. Which means you have to parse apart your project into smaller pieces, then import, then re-connect. As you might guess, this not only adds time to the PM's workload, but also forces the PM to make sure updates are replicated across all the tools.

This sounds like a budget and transparency need for the business. I would recommend doing some dilligence with Wrike, test it out, and report the results and the risks. If it's not related to budget, then ask what the motivator is for pushing the PMs into a cloud solution? The business may just want faster and more vision into what is being worked on. If that's the case, you can adjust your update cadence.

Just some thoughts without really knowing the business drivers.

Good luck!
Drew Craig Sr. Agile & Product Coach| Vanguard Philadelphia, Pa, USA
What is the driver. Is it to centralize data and content, while providing ncreased accessibility?

Since it sounds as if the organization is already a Microsoft shop, has there been thoughts for Project Online, or Project Server?
Peter Ambrosy Weinheim, Germany
for complex engineering prpjects the Primavera Cloud solution is also an option. For very complex projects MS Project/ MS Project Server does have some limitations.

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"One of the symptoms of an approaching nervous breakdown is the belief that one's work is terribly important. "

- Bertrand Russell

