Organization Agility 2016 KEYNOTE: Why Your Agile Transformation Might Fail
Many agile transformations fail. It’s not because of lack of effort but because organizations underestimate the radical changes needed for a more agile mindset.
An Exclusive PMI Member-Only* Event
You’ve put your organization on a path to being more agile – you have agile teams, you’re helping them respond to change. But, somehow you keep bumping up against significant institutional blockers: Existing rules, structures and processes that slow things down. What can you do? View the sessions from this free virtual event (if you are a PMI Member) to learn how to create a more holistic approach to organizational agility. We’ll share the latest real-world techniques and tools to drive deeper organizational agility—skills you won’t find anywhere outside of PMI.
Many agile transformations fail. It’s not because of lack of effort but because organizations underestimate the radical changes needed for a more agile mindset. How do you transform your organization into a better version of itself?
This session will share the journey of transformation and highlight some effective techniques that helped accelerate the rate of learning and improvement across the enterprise.
What does Bloat, the Puffer fish (played by Brad Garret) in the movie Finding Nemo, have to do with Agile? Find out in this session.Agile 2.0 moves past training on the methodology and focuses on the people and connections we make that will deliver an amazing product. Changes in today’s market place, technology, digital business, new regulations and people expectations (just to name a few)— are all challenging the way we do business. They have created an accelerated environment where we need to be more strategic and agile in order to deliver with excellence. During this session, learn the characteristics of the Agile and High Performing PMO and a transformation approach to support the business. Are your leaders actively involved and engaged in your transformation towards greater organizational agility? The success or failure of your transformation could be determined on how you answer that question. During this session, we will discuss the connection between strategy and execution to create portfolios for enterprise agile projects.
Organization Agility 2016 KEYNOTE: Why Your Agile Transformation Might Fail
Organization Agility 2016: Rapid Experimentation in Value Streams
Organization Agility 2016: Agile 2.0 - It’s About People and Connections!
Organization Agility 2016: A Transformation Path to the Strategic and Agile PPMO
Organization Agility 2016: Servant Catalysts - Developing Transformation Agents
Organization Agility 2016: Connect the Dots: Linking Strategy to Execution
*Reminder: You Must Be a PMI Member to View the Sessions!
To view these sessions on demand, you must have a valid and current PMI membership and have connected your account (login and password) on Log in using your username and password and click above to view the sessions. If your PMI membership is not current, you will need to follow the steps to make your PMI membership current before you can enter the event.
Conformity's an obsession with me. - George Costanza |