Kiviat diagrams or charts are created to show the degree to which an organization is ready for the type of proposed changes that are a result of a reengineering project.
- To assess the organization's readiness to change by summarizing its current position.
- To examine relationships among different factors.
- To graphically depict where actual process performance is in relation to process goals for the reengineering effort
- To track customer satisfaction criteria.
- To depict any "footprint" against a series of relative measures.
- Determine factors to be analyzed and collect information.
- Normalize data for each factor for comparison from zero to 100 percent.
- Draw diagram with each factor represented as a spoke along the wheel.
- Plot the percentages for each factor and draw a line between each point.
- Review, analyze, and explain the diagram.
Assessment of change readiness provides a baseline evaluation of the organizational culture and other socio-technical factors. It provides the sponsor and project team with the information necessary to gauge the enterprise's willingness and readiness to change and helps identify the roles the sponsor and project team will need to play as effective change agents.
A Kiviat diagram resembles a wagon wheel; each spoke represents one factor of the analysis. The degree to which (e.g., from zero to 100 percent) an organization is positioned towards the factor is displayed at a point along each spoke. Deriving measurements for each factor requires either a normalization of the factors to a standard or subjective judgment. For each factor, the organizational readiness is assessed, and the percent plotted along a spoke. Zero readiness is at the center of the diagram. Draw lines to connect each of the points on the adjacent spokes, and shade in the resultant polygon. This will portray the organization's current degree of readiness. Estimate the desired state for each factor, and map on a separate diagram. Superimposing the two, or plotting both measures on the same graph, will show the delta. This diagram can be used in "before and after analysis" of making changes to the organization. Measurements for organizational readiness such as skills, education, technology, culture, and investment can be compared to measure progress over time. Other uses include plotting current technology capability, assessment of the impact of a new value stream on organizational behavior, tracking of customer satisfaction criteria, and to measure process goals. (See Organizational Readiness Assessment for another method of analyzing the degree to which an organization is ready for change).
The Kiviat diagram shown above is used to depict the organization's readiness to change. The assessment of these key factors gives the change sponsor an objective view of their enterprise's current situation and its readiness to meet future challenges. The main assessment components shown on the Kiviat diagram include the following:
Motivation for Change
This addresses the extent to which an enterprise recognizes the challenges it faces, its current position, and the need for change. It is critical that people in the enterprise understand why they need to change to be successful. The purpose for this assessment is to determine the degree to which this understanding exists. The change sponsor can then identify the actions necessary to provide the motivation required to effect real change.
Investment Position
Implementing the changes necessary to achieve a corporation's goals will require modification to each of the key components of an enterprise: policies, technologies, personnel, and facilities. Determining the capital resources budgeted for maintaining and modifying each of these is crucial in planning the change. Of particular concern, and often overlooked, is the amount of funds available for effecting changes to social systems. Education, communication, acquisition, and replacement of personnel requires a significant investment and are key factors to implementing successful changes. The purpose of this assessment is to determine an organization's current budgets and policies for each of the areas and the extent to which modifications are feasible given monetary constraints.
Personnel Skill Level
As discussed previously, personnel requirements for effecting changes to an organization are significant, as are the modifications to operational resources. The objective of this assessment is to determine the skill level of the staff available regarding their ability to lead an enterprise through a change program. This assessment provides the change sponsor with an understanding of the skill requirements needed, as well as an independent evaluation of the abilities for their proposed personnel.
In support of the personnel skill assessment, an evaluation of the training requirements is needed to determine the level of education that will be required. In addition, an assessment of the ability of the current human resources function to deliver the necessary training is performed. This assessment serves to further describe the scope of the human resources changes needed to ready an enterprise for change.
Cultural Characteristics
The purpose of this assessment is to determine the nature of an enterprise's cultural acceptance of change. Each company has its own culture; some are more supportive of risk and challenging the status quo. An objective assessment of an organization's culture is vital to successfully implementing real change. The degree to which a company provides top-level support to change activities that are actually implemented has a direct impact on whether personnel will commit to the effort required to identify and implement changes.
Organization Support
The objective of this assessment is to determine the support, both political and financial, the group sponsoring change has within the enterprise. Deficiencies in this key area will negatively impact the sponsor's ability to lead an enterprise through the change life cycle. Identifying the extent to which this key measure of success needs to be addressed is a vital step to ensuring that the sponsor has the support required to be effective.
Technology Base
A cornerstone to enabling significant change in modern enterprise is the status of the technology base upon which business processes are performed. Assessing the current technology base in terms of its ability to support any significant changes, for new or modified applications, will provide the change sponsor with additional information regarding the resources required to implement change.
Once assessments of the key areas identified above have been completed, a summary assessment of the enterprise's readiness to change is prepared. The purpose of this step is to highlight the strengths and weaknesses of the enterprise with regard to change readiness. Specific recommendations on actions required to fully position the enterprise are also prepared.