Delphi Technique
last edited by: Sean Whitaker on Sep 11, 2016 4:22 PM | login/register to edit this page | ||
A technique used to make decisions on complex issues by leveraging individual expertise. This technique is sometimes referred to as the "Wide-band Delphi" technique. A technique commonly used to estimate the probability and outcome of future events. To make decisions particularly where a group of experts is available and the decision must be based on a number of qualitative criteria. For example, a cost estimate for a project can be produced using this technique. The experts at each round have a full record of what decisions or opinions have been made, but they do not know who made it. Anonymity allows the experts to express their opinions freely, encourages openness and avoids admitting errors by revising earlier forecasts.
InstructionsThe Delphi technique requires a structured question to be evaluated. The question or options may be defined using a variety of techniques such as brainstorming. The Delphi process was developed for making collaborative decisions before there were tools such as WIKIs but lends itself readily to WIKI and or BLOG technology. In a WIKI variation, the moderator would post the question/decision and invite a group of experts to edit the posting. Each expert would make their edits and explain the rationale in the comments or in the body of the post. (It is essential to have a commenting ability.)
last edited by: Sean Whitaker on Sep 11, 2016 4:22 PM | login/register to edit this page | ||