Project Management

A Simple Process for Project Management! Project Management in “Plain English”

Susan Hilty

Sometimes we don’t think one person can make a difference, but sometimes this is all it takes. If you consider the ground-breaking potential of one man with a shovel, then you can appreciate the earth-moving capabilities one person can have. If you think someone should be doing something, remember: you’re that someone! Then ask yourself, what should I be doing? Simplify! Don’t make things so daunting that they can never happen, and take one step at a time. The foundation I use is the one used to write a story. The “English synopsis” of Who, What, Why, When, Where, and How. If you are looking for a template with which to form your project plan, put these words into a word document, an Excel spreadsheet, or a project plan and start digging. Post pictures, document progress, put it out in the forefront, communicate it, and exude positive mental energy!

Once you are on your way, it will be easier to get others more involved. It is the motivational tactics that get you going and will help you work through any issue. When you are motivated to act, your cheerleading and coaching mentality will motivate the rest of the team. Once you have a team with forward-moving momentum and a defined target, you can conquer the world; a project is just the beginning of this process.

The Six Questions Used for Success: [Six Questions Used to Tell a Story or …

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"I've had a perfectly wonderful evening. But this wasn't it."

- Groucho Marx

