Project Management

How to Stay Agile in a "Wagile" Environment

Gopinath Venu has 20+ years of experience in quality assurance and engineering for the IT industry. He holds PMP® and PMI-ACP® certifications. His expertise is in software defects management and establishing agile-defect metrics and dashboards for new projects.

Wikipedia describes “Wagile” as "software development among a group of software development methodologies that results from slipping from agile back into waterfall, doing a lot of short waterfalls and thinking it is agile; waterfall model masquerading as agile software development, etc."

Most of the startups who want to embrace an agile approach from the waterfall software methodologies often fall into a vicious trap of a blended methodology often called “Wagile”—an acronym for waterfall and agile. The transformation from waterfall to agile is not easy if the transition does not pay off very well by meeting the business needs. It needs less resistance to change and it needs everyone’s buy-in. What if the organization does not completely move toward agile and if the projects show the reminiscence of waterfall? How do we stay agile in a Wagile environment? Here are some tips to show agility in a Wagile environment.

Kick-off meetings: Usually kick-off meetings discuss the project plan, schedule, quality standards, how many people are going to work on what modules, each member’s role, etc. If your release starts with a project kick-off meeting, then ask questions about what the overall project’s acceptance criteria is. What value does each sprint bring in?

Requirements are explicitly described, well-formatted, and …

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I hope, when they die, cartoon characters have to answer for their sins.

- Jack Handey

