Project Management

Governments Need to Urgently Embrace Project Management…Are They?

Madrid, Spain Chapter +1

Antonio Nieto-Rodriguez is a leading expert in project management and strategy implementation, recognized by Thinkers50 with the prestigious award “Ideas into Practice.” He is the creator of concepts like The Project Economy and the Project Manifesto. He is author of Lead Successful Projects (2019, Penguin) The Project Revolution (2019, LID) and The Focused Organization (2012 Gower). He has been teaching project management for more than a decade to senior executives at Duke CE, Skolkovo, Solvay Business School, and Vlerick. Antonio has held executive PMO positions at PricewaterhouseCoopers, BNP Paribas, and GlaxoSmithKline. Former Chairman of the Project Management Institute, he is the co-founder of the Strategy Implementation Institute and the global movement Brightline.

Many governments worldwide recognize the importance of having a long-term vision and strong project management to develop their countries. They understand that by investing in innovative and transformative projects, they can create a brighter future for their citizens and contribute to global progress.

However, only a handful of countries have successfully implemented this approach. This article examines some of the countries and projects that have embraced a visionary approach—and looks at why more countries have not adopted this approach (and how they could do it).

Examples of Visionary Approaches

  • Made in China 2025: The Chinese government plans to transform the country into a high-tech manufacturing hub by increasing innovation, upgrading the industry, and promoting Chinese brands globally. This initiative has included investments in research and development, implementing advanced manufacturing techniques, and expanding China's high-speed rail network.
  • Digital India: The Indian government has a campaign to transform the country into a digitally empowered society and knowledge economy by providing digital infrastructure, digital literacy, and digital services to all citizens. This initiative has included the development of a nationwide fiber-optic network, creating digital identity cards for all citizens, and launching numerous digital services in …

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