Project Management

S.T.A.K.E.H.O.L.D.E.R.— Manage Yourself First

Learning practical project management is always hard work that requires putting one’s “nose to the grindstone.” Practical management skills don’t come easy, and sometimes the most brilliant of people must work hard to hone their management skills. An example is Steve Jobs of Apple Inc. He was a terrible supervisor, known for throwing expletives at his own staff, and people really hated working with him. Steve Jobs himself admitted that he lied to his most trusted partners and ditched his closest friends who stood by him when he failed during the first few years of Apple Inc. Brilliant technical brains do not automatically translate into brilliant managers. Threats, harassments, lies, micromanagement, and regular violations of rules continue to exist in many organizations.

This article discusses how a project manager can keep their eyes open and move beyond their self-drawn, self-controlled, and tightly closed circle to think outside the box. It is important to remember that this article is not advocating for a project manager to become a “say yes to everyone and everything” person. Rather, the aim of a project manager should be more of what not to become than what to become.

Duck Test Yourself
We have all heard this before: If something walks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, it is probably a duck. …

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"Life does not cease to be funny when people die any more than it ceases to be serious when people laugh."

- George Bernard Shaw

