Project Management

The Final Project World Collectable Card. Nr 16.

From the The Project Shrink Blog
Bas de Baar is a Dutch visual facilitator, creating visual tools for dialogue. He is dedicated to improve the dialogue we use to make sense of change. As The Project Shrink, this is the riddle he tries to solve: “If you are a Project Manager that operates for a short period of time in a foreign organization, with a global team you don’t know, in a domain you would not know, using virtual communication, high uncertainty, limited authority and part of what you do out in the open on the Internet, how do you make it all work?”

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The Final Project World Collectable Card. Nr 16.

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Categories: collectable cards

Last year I created a poster about projects: Your Big Adventure. I started to make cards about different things you do in projects. There are a total of 16 that together make a map. To have something to talk about.

This is the final card, number 16. It is basically the "title card" that explains the layout of the overall map, how to read the story.

The map consists of two "worlds" separated by water. The more permanent "organizational world" that is about everything before and after the project, and the temporary "project world". You read the sequence clock wise.

This is the basic shape of a hero's journey. When I talk about storytelling in projects, I get a little help from movies. The Matrix, Star Wars, The Big Lebowski, Juno. What they have in common is that they all follow a universal structure called "The Hero's Journey". Or "monomyth". I talked about it in detail here.

It is also the basis for The Project Story Cycle…

The project is represented by a circular arrow and is divided in half with a horizontal line.

The idea behind it is the following:

  • An organization has the need for something. A challenge has to be conquered. A group of people starts a journey and brings back their result to the organization.
  • The upper half of the circle represents time spent outside the project. Preparing for the voyage. And getting the results back to the place where it is needed.
  • The bottom half makes up for project time.
  • This will focus attention on the transitions organization-project and project-organization.
  • This will focus attention on the idea that you undertake the project long before the actual project starts and that it only ends when you have gone full circle; when the actual benefits are realized.

I hope you enjoy this as much as I did creating them!

Click here to see all the cards.

Posted on: February 24, 2014 06:56 AM | Permalink

Comments (8)

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Madhava Verma Dantuluri IT company Delhi, India
Good article, i really enjoyed reading it with pictures.

Elizabeth Harrin Director| London, England, United Kingdom
That's a massive piece of work! Well done, it's amazing.

diego retana New Projects, budgets, planning| Palma Terra Mexico

Kevin Coleman Subject Matter Expert, Author, Speaker and Strategic Advisor| - Insights Pa, USA
I was on one initiative that and Organizational Shrink was brought in. I still remember him coming to me and telling me the people involved hand an underlying hatred for one another!

Von Brickhouse Retired Military (LTC)| Northrop Grumman Harker Heights, Tx, USA
Cool display. Thanks

Shridhar Shukla PM I| Technology Ind, India

Craig Brodbeck Senior Global Product Manager| Adhesives Research Lancaster, Pa, USA
Very creative!

Alaa Hussein Program Manager| MEMECS Baghdad, Iraq
Nice one, thanks for sharing!

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