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About shipping a hardcopy certificate
Tsz Ming Tsang Tseung Kwan O, Hk, Hong Kong
I have renewed the PMP certificate but official said it is unable to ship out new hardcopy anymore.

Would PMI reconsider to ship out new certificates for candidates?

I have put much cost but it turns out their policy is directed to be environmently friendly.

It seems not to be friendly for exam takers.

Just a piece of paper of achievement.

Quite disappointing.
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Abolfazl Yousefi Darestani Manager, Quality and Continuous Improvement| Hörmann-TNR Industrial Doors Newmarket, Ontario, Canada
If you need a hard copy, simply print the digital one out.
Rami Kaibni
Community Champion
Senior Projects Manager | Field & Marten Associates New Westminster, British Columbia, Canada
Yes, PMI as far as I know discontinued sending hard copies of the certificates to candidates. Not sure if this will be permanent or not, it they stopped doing so during COVID.
Stéphane Parent Self Employed / Semi-retired| Leader Maker Prince Edward Island, Canada
I had the opposite problem: too many hardcopies of certificates. I scanned them all then destroyed the paper copies.
VerĂ³nica Elizabeth Pozo Ruiz
Community Champion
RYLAI Access Control Quito, Pichincha, Ecuador
Hard copy certificates have been eliminated due to environmental climate change fight endeavors. Printing your digital copy is a good procedure to contribute to palliate the critical condition of our earth.
Wing Tak Lee Hong Kong Baptist University Nt, -, Hong Kong
I saw that Chinese candidates can get a physical certificate
Laura Tryon Project Manager| SELCO Community Credit Union Springfield, Or, USA
I agree that not sending out hard copies can be a good decision for the environment, but what about making it an option on the site to order (at no charge) and receive a formal certificate? I am very proud of my accomplishment and want to display it.
Hardcopy Certificates from PMI with the official silver seal make the certificate look more like the real certification that it is. Without that, it looks like a piece of paper you can print when you go to a self-help class.
Kevin Rutherford Program Manager, MENA| Tapestry Solutions, a Boeing Company Mangaf, Ah, Kuwait
Some countries require original printed certificates. I agree with the decision not to send printed copies, but there should be an exception where you can order them as needed.
2 replies by Hamada Madbouly and anonymous
Jul 31, 2024 2:51 AM
Hamada Madbouly
then you can use pmp electronic badge
Sep 23, 2024 8:37 AM
Please try going to a government institution and telling them to "Scan your badge" They told me this is not snapchat or tiktok
Adam Gittins President| Gittins Capital Highlands Ranch, Co, USA
I agree that PMI should give the option to issue an official hardcopy of the PMP certificate. The hard copy of the certificate can be proudly displayed and lends credibility to the PMI name.
Yufeng Huang Kaohsiung, Khh, Taiwan
I agree that PMI may give the option.
Trinh Nguyen Vung Tau City, Viet Nam
Is there any way to make PMI change their mind? There should be an option to issue or not issue a hardcopy certificate, as some countries require a notarized copy of the original.
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