Project Management

PM Lessons Learned From Writing a Book

PMI Germany Chapter +5, and

It all started with our webinar “4 Ways Volunteering Will Make You a Better Project Manager for the New Normal” on this platform, and the follow-up questions we received from participants. This inspired our decision to embark on the adventure of writing a book and finding a publisher to support our journey.

Since day zero, we have managed the book as a project. We want to share some of our lessons learned with you.

Purpose & Planning
Writing a business book might not be the best idea if you want to earn money. But writing a book is a great way to share knowledge, leave a legacy, develop an audience, and strengthen your personal brand.

Several parts of this project require consideration:

  • manuscript
  • book cover
  • interior design
  • figures/graphics/artwork
  • printed book
  • eBook

If a publisher supports you, your contract will include a deadline to submit the manuscript. You’ll need to make a retro plan with clear milestones.

If you are self-publishing, it is equally important to stick to a timeline. Set deadlines for yourself for each stage of the project, such as completing each chapter, revising the manuscript, and finalizing the design. This helps ensure you stay on track and complete your book on time.

Start by planning the whole project. Then, break it down into smaller parts called work packages. You must produce, review, and…

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If trees could scream, would we be so cavalier about cutting them down? We might, if they screamed all the time, for no good reason.

- Jack Handey

