Project Management

Expedited Decision Analysis: A Structured, Efficient Approach to Instilling Confidence in Decision-Making – A White Paper

Paul R. Genuario

Executive Summary

Decision analysis (DA) is the discipline comprising the philosophy, theory, methodology, and professional practice necessary to addressing important decisions in a formal manner. This white paper presents a tried and true, expedited decision analysis methodology that was created and refined by a large government contractor and formally recognized by the government as a best practice.

The value of this approach is in its simplicity, ability to be standardized, and applicability to the vast majority of issues that face decision-makers. This approach is founded on the tenet that a great problem solver simplifies complexity. This relies on a well-established root cause analysis, structuring of the problem space, and knowing how to weed out the chaff from the salient factors involved in decision-making.

Supporting rationale behind the methodology is provided, along with a presentation format.

This approach is applicable to situations with the following characteristics:

  • An issue faces a decision-making authority
  • Decision-makers need confidence in making the right and best decision because they are not satisfied with only one solution to a problem. They want to see why the proposed solution is the best and validate that all important criteria were considered, which implies that: Multiple candidate solutions exist. …

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- Albert Einstein

