Project Management

Conversations in Lessons Learned


Dario Pacyna · Jan 23, 2025
Replies: 10 10 Votes: 1 1
Moustapha DIOP
Jan 31, 2025
Moustapha DIOP replied Jan 31, 2025

Rebecca Tibbits · Oct 24, 2024
Replies: 16 16 Votes: 0 0
Sergio Luis Conte
Jan 23, 2025
Sergio Luis Conte replied Jan 23, 2025

Bisharah Saeed · Nov 5, 2024
Community Champion
Replies: 18 18 Votes: 5 5
Bisharah Saeed
Dec 14, 2024
Bisharah Saeed replied Dec 14, 2024
< 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 ... 44 > 

Top Influencers

Lorelie Kaid VP Enterprise Project Management| WSECU
Anna Wiewiora Associate Professor| Queensland University of Technology Australia
Peter O'Connor Professor| Queensland University of Technology Australia
Yasmina Khelifi Senior Project Manager| ORANGE Paris, France
Neal Whitten President| The Neal Whitten Group Auburn, Al, USA
Rashad Issa Senior Business Leader, Project Manager and Operational Quality, Governance | Baltic Exchange London, London, United Kingdom
Alex Vargas Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Specialist| PMI Ca, USA
John Jones Chief Technology Officer| City of College Station Anderson, Tx, USA
Joy Toney Sr Analyst| ALSAC/St Jude Memphis, Tn, USA
Andrew Davies Professor| SPRU, University of Sussex Business School United Kingdom

See all Lessons Learned Influencers

Connect In Person

PMXPO 2020

March 26, 2020 | online

We start the new decade with a bang as we present the 13th edition of our annual virtual conference and exhibition! Whether you’re a seasoned PM or new to the field, PMXPO provides an excellent opportunity to learn, network, earn PDUs and broaden your perspective on project management. This year’s show is headlined by keynote speaker Cara Brookins, a bestselling author who rebuilt her broken family by building her own house watching “how-to” videos on YouTube.

PMI Scheduling Conference 2016

March 30, 2016 | Online

Love project scheduling? Or just want to learn what’s new in the world of project scheduling? Attend the PMI Scheduling Conference – exclusively for PMI Members. Learn the latest in scheduling best practices not available anywhere outside of PMI. We’ll share tips and tools from real-life projects and programs.

2015 PMI Scheduling Conference: Build Your Defense Against Chaos

June 17, 2015 | Online

This all-day virtual event featured expertise to assist practitioners with Building Your Defense Against Chaos in the world of project scheduling. Two concurrent tracks of content featured 1. Education and Training Track: Learn best practices in project scheduling methods, techniques and approaches (topics include: applied schedule management and scheduling for programs and portfolios); and 2. Case Studies and New Advances Track: Pick up valuable case studies and/or lessons learned in project, program and portfolio scheduling. This includes presentations on scheduling theories and techniques from real projects and programs (topics: risk analysis and scenario-based program scheduling).

Advance Your Career

See all Lessons Learned On-demand webinars

Save Time With Tools + Templates

Lessons Learned Register

PREMIUM deliverable
by Lonnie Pacelli

To help you create lessons learned that will not get stuffed in a folder never to see the light of day, use this simple Excel template in your organization. The template should be used across initiatives so you have a single source of the truth on lessons learned in one file versus having to hunt through multiple files. Use in conjunction with the article Capturing Lessons Learned That Actually Get Used.

Final Project Report

PREMIUM deliverable
by Gabrielle Dunkerton

This Final Project Report provides a snapshot of your project and provides an outline to help you surfaces relevant information on milestones, budget, time, lessons learned, and more! Adapt it to fit your needs.

Project Management Template Package

PREMIUM deliverable
by Lukas Kripal

This Excel workbook provides eight logs and registers to help your project. It includes a Changes Log, a Lessons Learned Log, an Assumptions-Constraints Log, an Issues Log, a Risk Register (with accompanying risk guide and list), a Customer Promise Log, a Project Task Tracker, and an RFI Tracker. It's perfect for new and seasoned PMs alike.

Project HEADWAY: Breaking Out Of The Lessons Learned Trap

PREMIUM presentation
by Mark Mullaly, Ph.D., PMP

We all know we are supposed to do a “lessons learned” exercise as part of our projects. Some of us even take the time to go through the motions. The challenge is that lessons learned rarely get paid attention to, and organizational practices rarely change as a result. If we really want to learn from our projects, we need to change how we think about lessons learned.

Project Post-Implementation Review Checklist (Japanese Translation)

PREMIUM checklist

このテンプレートは、プロジェクトの結果に焦点を当て、理解するのに役立ちます:技術的な成功、ビジネス上の利点、学んだ教訓。 調査結果は、最終的な調整と調整を行い、プロジェクトを効果的に閉じ、将来のプロジェクトを効果的に実施する組織の能力に貢献するのに役立ちます。

Learn From Others

In Pursuit of Better Decisions

by Andy Jordan

Organizations are always looking to improve strategic decision-making, but that can be a very difficult thing to achieve. However, there are ways to gain an advantage—and recognizing that decision-making is a team sport is one of them.

Using AI for Agile Retrospectives

by Bart Gerardi

AI can’t replace human interaction or discussion, but several easy-to-use tools can help surface issues and synthesizing data that require a project team’s attention, discussion and action. This can be particularly helpful when it comes to making the most of agile retrospectives.

Let’s Review and Refocus

by Bart Gerardi

Midway through the year is a good time to review business and project results in a constructive, positive manner. Rather than dwell on disappointments, the main purpose should be to prioritize, refocus, and commit to improving the work for the remainder of the year.

Don’t Squander a Spectacular Failure

by Lonnie Pacelli

While painful, spectacular failures are also worthwhile nuggets to help both yourself and others learn from mistakes. Instead of being stubborn, consider the following tips so you can help others and avoid a repeat performance.

What Project Management Can Learn From the Arts

by Mark Mullaly, Ph.D., PMP

Art works because of structure, process and honesty. If we want our projects to truly deliver results that we care about, we should take lessons from the world of the arts and apply them to our own projects and organizations.

Capturing Lessons Learned That Actually Get Used

by Lonnie Pacelli

With all of the effort placed on retrospectives and post-mortems, why are so many documented lessons learned from a project stuffed away and never looked at again? We need a streamlined process that mitigates making the same mistakes over and over.


A mind once stretched by a new idea never regains its original dimensions.

- Anonymous

