Regulatory Impact Assessment and Project Management
A project management professional (PMP)® creates not only physical structures like a building, but also creates intangible results like a new government policy. In government policy work, project managers should know about regulatory impact assessment (RIA) because RIA is widely adopted as a global standard. Professionals rendering RIAs should learn more about project management because after the RIA work is done, project management is used to implement what the RIA says to do.
The end product of a regulatory impact assessment is only an assessment or a recommendation. Implementing those recommendations requires a strong project management approach. In tools and approaches, RIA has many overlaps with project management, and of course some differences. This article introduces RIA for project managers and for RIA practitioners, elaborates how project management processes can help to more successfully realize the RIA recommendations.
The Relationship Between RIA and PM
RIA is an activity done to help choose a course of action, a policy, or a new law or new regulation.
For example: Should there be a law mandating body cameras for all police? RIA asks: what is the purpose here? Is there a better way to achieve the goals? What should be done with the resulting video? What questions does the new law raise about privacy? RIA is the crucible within which
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