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Impediment Logs in Scrum

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Impediments are barricades, hurdles or obstacles. In terms of Scrum, they are “blockers” that prevent the Scrum Team from completing work, which in return impacts velocity. Anything that prohibits the team from doing work is considered an impediment. Examples of Scrum impediments are listed in Table 1.

Impediment Types

  • Sick Scrum Team member
  • Slow Agile/Scrum adoption
  • Too cold team room
  • Process issues
  • Business or customer issues
  • Cultural or waterfall issues
  • People issues
  • Blockers for a User Story
  • Unresolved dependencies
  • Faulty equipment

Table 1. Scrum Impediments

The Scrum Master is responsible for tracking, monitoring and ensuring that impediments are removed. All Scrum Team members are responsible for continually identifying impediments for discussion during the Daily Standup Meeting. If for some reason an impediment does not disappear in a timely manner, this would indicate that the root causes have not been identified. The Sprint Retrospective is another place for impediments that reoccur. It is important to understand that the Scrum Master is not solely responsible for the removal of impediments. The team should work together to remove impediments that can be easily resolved and provide assistance with any additional support that may be required.

A few things to note:

  • Impediments that are identified daily are generally very small and can be quickly resolved. This may include sending a simplifying email and/or getting assistance from a Scrum Team member.
  • The bigger impediments are most likely to be identified during the Retrospective meetings and require a level of dedication to be removed. These types of impediments are added to the Sprints for resolution.
  • Impediments that are identified by the team are added to the Product Backlog for prioritization and processing. Large items that are not able to be addressed quickly are addressed in later Sprints.
  • Organizational impediments added to the Impediments Log are prioritized and addressed on an ongoing basis. Both team and organizational impediments are reviewed after each Sprint in the Retrospective meeting.

There are two main types of impediments, organizational and team related and they need different types of handling.

  • Team Impediments – issues that the team can solve without needing external assistance. However, the team may need internal assistance from management. These types of impediments would include but are not limited to:
    • Changes to the way that the team works
    • Reminders for when a specific problem re-occurs
    • The need for tools or workflows that can make team’s work easier
    • Internal measures put in place for the team to avoid repeating a prior error
  • Organizational Impediments – issues that are dependent on others to solve. These issues include but are not limited to:
    • Slow internet
    • Issues with obtaining input from other teams or divisions
    • Lack of training

The expectation is that the team can learn to remove its own impediments without the Scrum Master’s intervention. This also means that impediments in the log should not be delegated to the team because many of them may be very difficult to resolve. On the other hand, the Scrum Master is not expected to resolve all impediments alone either. The entire Scrum Team needs to work together to determine which impediments it can resolve and what support may be needed. Over time, the team should become capable of removing more and more impediments on its own.

Impediment Logs

There should only be a single Impediment Log for a Scrum Master to manage. Table 2. outlines the process that is typically used to create, monitor and maintain the Impediments Log.



  1. Record

The Daily Standup Meeting is the best time to document impediments in the Impediments Log as each team member reveals them. After the brief meeting, the Scrum Master will gather additional information so that the impediments can be prioritized.


  1. Prioritize

Impediments should be prioritized based on their levels of importance and in relation to those on that are already on the log.


  1. Publish

The Impediments Log should be made visible to everyone and posted for all to view.


  1. Address

The Scrum Master should address the highest priority impediments from the log and ensure that it is removed so that the team can continue to reach the Sprint’s objective.


  1. Communicate

When the impediment is removed, this information should be communicated to the involved parties and the Impediments Log is updated.


Table 2. Impediments Process in Scrum

Table 3. identifies a description of each of the field on the Log. Figure 1. is an illustration of an Impediments Log. Let’s examine the data input fields to gain the proper understanding of their usage.

Impediments Log Field


  1. Impediment Description
  • Identifies what the impediment is


  1. Importance of Impediment Resolution


  • (Blocker, Critical, Major, Minor), Describes the priority level


  1. Action suggested to be taken


  • Recommended action to be taken to resolve the impediment


  1. Owner
  • The person assigned to remove the impediment
  1. Due date of when it must be resolved


  • Deadline date for resolution
  1. Release that impediment was identified in
  • Release number


Table 3. Impediment Log Data Input Fields

Figure 1. Impediments Log

Tips for Removing Impediments

Following are several tips for the removal of impediments:

  • Impediments should be identified at any time. The Scrum Team should never wait until the Daily Scrum to discuss them.
  • If an item will prevent the team from achieving the Sprint Goals, it’s an impediment.
  • There is a distinct difference between blockers and impediments. A blocker impacts a single task and an impediment hinders overall progress.
  • Use an Impediments Board to ensure of adequate transparency. This means that Impediments should be included in the list of Information Radiators.
  • Track completed impediments. This information is good feedback for the Sprint Review and Retrospective meetings.
  • The Scrum Master needs to understand the organizational culture to best figure out how to remove impediments.
  • Use courage and creativity to remove impediments. Ask for forgiveness later if a bold decision needs to be made.
  • Collaborate with the Product Owner. Many impediments in Scrum are related to product management, stakeholder and supplier collaboration.
  • Don’t waste time and effort in fixing incorrect problem. Make sure that the focus is on the real problem(s).

Keywords: Impediments, Logs, Scrum


CoreWorks. (2014). The Impediments Backlog. Retrieved from

Getting Agile. (2011). Organizational Impediment Management: Early Risk Detection for Agile. Retrieved from

LeanAgileTraining. (2017). What are Impediments? Retrieved from

Openbravo wiki.  (2009). Scrum/Impediment. Retrieved from

Overeem, Barry. (2016). The Scrum Master as an Impediment Remover. Retrieved from

Scrum Alliance. (2011). Five Tips for Impediment Resolution With Scrum. Retrieved from

scruminc. (2017). Impediments. Retrieved from

Posted on: September 08, 2018 11:57 PM | Permalink

Comments (20)

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Sante Delle-Vergini Senior Project Manager| Infosys Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Thanks for the summary Denise.

Drew Craig Sr. Agile & Product Coach| Vanguard Philadelphia, Pa, USA
Thanks, Denise.

If using a tool such as JIRA, a more popular tool for things 'agile' nowaday's, one could add labels for simpler reporting/filters, or create reusable JQL queries to showcase on the dashboard.

Rami Kaibni
Community Champion
Senior Projects Manager | Field & Marten Associates New Westminster, British Columbia, Canada
Denise, this is an absolutely great summary and highlights.

Denise Canty Agile Coach, Life Coach, Author, Senior Project-Program Manager| Cenden Company Washington, Dc, USA
Thanks to all of you for your feedback. It is appreciated.

RAJESH K L Project Manager, PMP| Bharat Electronics, Bengaluru, India Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
Thanks for sharing

Brian Riehle IT Program Manager| US Government Fairfax, Va, USA
Thanks so much for this Denise!

Eduin Fernando Valdes Alvarado Project Manager| F y F Fabricamos Futuro Villavicencio, Meta, Colombia
Very interesting, thanks for sharing

LK Gahlot New Delhi, India
Thanks Denise for sharing the post. Very well put together.

Pench Batta Enterprise Lean Agile DevOps Coach /SAFe Program Consultant (SPC6)| Capgemini, Inc. Bentonville, Ar, USA
Denise, good information on impediments and how to remove them. Thanks for sharing!

Jyoti Saluja Delhi, Delhi, India
Hi Denise, after reading your article, I had a few queries on the various terms we are using in industry today. I read another article on Scrum Alliance today morning on Agile Risk Management. According to them and a few other websites, impediment is relatively smaller in terms of impact, comes with 100% probability of occurring and is therefore an issue that needs to be dealt with. And risk is some event that comes with uncertainty which may impact Project/ sprint objectives. From what I have seen, blocker is also an impediment but a major one. Therefore, it will help me if you could tell me what difference will it make if we see blockers as 'major' Impediments? And would also like to hear your views on risks in agile projects.

Carl Young Senior Project Manager| Independent Pagosa Springs, Co, USA
Very nice. Thanks for posting.

Charles Ibonye Cofounder/Director, Project & Business Development| Smartech Enterprise Integrated Concept (SEIC) Limited Lekki Penisula, Lagos State, Nigeria
Thanks Denise for this insightful summary. It was very helpful.

Shaun Thompson Scrum and Agile Transformation Consultant| Scrum Inc. Reisterstown, Md, USA
This was a great breakdown! I am going to take a lot of these ideas and adapt them to my teams and create a process for tracking impediments. I really appreciate the knowledge share on this!

Marcus Frederick Student| TCCTP Point Fortin, Trinidad and Tobago
Thanks for making it simple.

Jesus Antonio Salazar Mesa Ingeniero electrónico mención comunicaciones.| Huawei SAC del Peru Peru
Excelente resumen Denise, muchas gracias.

Angie Lehmann Project Manager| NDIT Detroit Lakes, Mn, USA
Thank you for sharing your Agile thoughts! A lot of great information.

Antonio Villarruel Project Management Coordinator| Saputo Inc. San Fernando, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Very interesting and useful. Thanks so much!

Artem Arakcheev Founder| Vuics Cancun, Quintana Roo, Mexico
Nice outline of the process for the Impediments Log.

Abdulaziz Albakkour Project Manager| Comptechco
Thank you Denise for valuable information

This is a great explainer, thank you!

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