Project Management

System Scope

System Scope describes the current systems that the required application package is expected to replace or interface with. The description contains a table that describes the functionality of each system, and relates systems to business activities that are supported and business objects that are managed (from the Business Scope). Each system in the table is annotated with indicators as to whether the anticipated application package will:

  • Replace the system
  • Take responsibility for managing the business object(s)
  • Interface with the system by providing business objects to it
  • Interface with the system by accessing its objects
  • Synchronize its execution with that of the system

    Specific objects upon which interfaces depend are noted. If any of the interfaces are constrained or dictated by a principle indicated in the Statement of Principles, the constraints or requirements are also noted.

    Multiple tables may be defined if there are optional roles envisioned for the application package.

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"One of the symptoms of approaching nervous breakdown is the belief that one's work is terribly important."

- Bertrand Russell

