The Project Canvas: Increase Alignment and Success in Your Projects
From the book, The Project Revolution (LID 2019) by Antonio Nieto-Rodriguez, and to be used in conjunction with the on-demand webinar Reinventing Project Management Series: The Project Canvas and The Project Canvas PDF download.
Projects are timeless and universal. The construction of the pyramids in Egypt, the development of modern cities, the Marshall Plan, the Apollo space program, the creation of the European Union—all these achievements were the result of ideas being turned into reality through projects. Project-based work is the engine that generates the major accomplishments of our civilization; it has stimulated society to advance and often go beyond long-established scientific and cultural limits.
Projects change the world. Projects make impossible dreams possible.
The behavioral and social sciences endorse the idea that there are a few ways of working and collaborating that are particularly motivating and inspiring for people working on a project. These are that a project should have ambitious goals, a higher purpose and a clear deadline. You have probably noticed that what people tend to remember most clearly from their entire careers is the projects they work on—often the successful ones, but also the failed ones.
According to recent research, the number of individuals working in project-based roles will increase from 66 million (in 2017) to
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