Project Management

Beyond the Stethoscope: How AI is Reshaping Hospital Operations (Part 5) – The Pilot Program

PMI Pearl City, Hyderabad Chapter

Dr. Deepa Bhide, PMP is a physician and currently an independent healthcare IT and project management consultant. She has a postgraduate degree in Pediatrics and Neonatology from the University of Health Sciences, India. Deepa is an advocate of using project management in healthcare and related domains. She has worked extensively in the confluence of clinical medicine, IT and project management domains with hands-on experience in managing projects from conception to closure.

This is Part 5 in an ongoing interview series where I talk with Dr. N from ABC Hospital* in Hyderabad, India. Dr. N spearheads an artificial intelligence project for the facility.

While Part 1 and Part 2 discussed details of stakeholders (more specifically, the medical team and patients), Part 3 explored the role of regulatory agencies involved in AI projects for the hospital, and Part 4 talked about the technical components of AI. In Part 5, we talk about the pilot study.

Deepa: What were your considerations for the pilot study?

Dr. N: We often generalize our needs and fail to pinpoint a specific area where we need urgent help (it could also be a case of the crying baby getting the milk!). AI is not a panacea for all our existing problems. While we know that AI is imperfect, not adopting it could also mean increasing the risk of continuing or perpetuating the existing problematic situation—the classic “nirvana fallacy.” Given the nascent stage of these technologies, we decided to run a pilot to check the feasibility, build trust/confidence, gain insights, and identify potential risks and challenges that might arise during the larger scope of the project.

We wanted to ensure a genuine clinical utility versus thinking of what is easy to model. We chose a clinical focus area that had actionable therapeutic interventions. The focus of the pilot was …

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I hope if dogs ever take over the world, and they choose a king, they don't just go by size, because I bet there are some Chihuahuas with some good ideas.

- Jack Handey

