Key Performance Indicator Template
Format: Log
While numerous key performance indicators (KPIs) typically influence IT projects generally, the benefit of tracking all of them may be outweighed by the cost to do so. Therefore, each project must carefully select and manage those KPIs most relevant to its specific situation.
This sample template can be used to define KPIs. A template for each different KPI and metric should be created and saved in a repository. This will eliminate duplication of effort across projects when defining KPIs and metrics. For example, if Project A defines a KPI for “critical path slippage,” Project B might use the same KPI or use its definition as a basis to develop a variation.
As a starting point, the table below the template gives some examples of possible KPIs for each of the previously defined project-critical success factors (PCSFs) and a metric (measure and dimension) for each KPI, with the targets remaining to be defined.
Use in conjunction with the article Determining IT Project Health.
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"If a man does only what is required of him, he is a slave. If a man does more than is required of him, he is a free man." - Chinese Proverb |