Project Management

Conversations in Resource Management


Aisa Showery · Oct 5, 2024
Replies: 6 6 Votes: 0 0
Verónica Elizabeth Pozo Ruiz
Dec 10, 2024
Verónica Elizabeth Pozo Ruiz replied Dec 10, 2024
< 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 ... 44 > 

Top Influencers

Kiron Bondale Retired | Mentor| Retired Welland, Ontario, Canada
Raju Rao Founder & Principal| Xtraplus Learning & Consulting Chennai, Tn, India
Antonio Nieto HBR Author | Director PMO | PMI Fellow & Past Chairman | Professor | Thinkers50 | Projects & Company Brussels, Belgium
Goutam Sengupta Managing Director| GSS Infosolutions Pvt Ltd Kolkata, Wb, India
Sam Ayodele Project Coordinator - Capital Projects| Burlington Hydro Incorporation Burlington, Ontario, Canada
Tolitha Lewis Sr. Project Manager| Eli Lilly & Company Fishers, In, USA
Jan Willem Tromp Co-Founder of Epicflow, entrepreneur and researcher on Multi Project Management| Epicflow Amsterdam, Netherlands
Tara McCallum Consultant| Tara McCallum Inc. Panama City Beach, Fl, USA
Phillip George RefineM Springfield, Mo, USA
Paul Pelletier Project management key note speaker, author, corporate lawyer, and executive| Paul Pelletier Consulting Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

See all Resource Management Influencers

On-demand Webinars

Art of Managing Risk in the VUCA World

by Goutam Sengupta
February 06, 2024 | 61:15 | Views: 7,494 | PDUs: 1.00 | Rating: 4.38 / 5

Risk is an uncertain event or condition that, if it occurs, has a positive or negative effect in outcomes of the organization. Positive risks are opportunities, while negative risks are threats. In the post pandemic era we have entered into a world of VUCA (Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, and Ambiguity). VUCA demands that you must develop your competencies to identify and understand risks and learn how to develop mastery in managing those. You must have great deal of comfort in managing risk situations with ease in your organization and thus Art of Managing Risk in the VUCA world is of paramount importance.

See all Resource Management On-demand webinars

Save Time With Tools + Templates

Resource Calendar Template

PREMIUM deliverable
by Stefan de Vries

As soon as your team actually starts working (execution phase), it is wise to create and maintain a resource calendar. This document allows you to manage resource availability within your project.

Project Deliverable Log

PREMIUM deliverable
by Kelsey Frandsen

Use this log to keep track of deliverables for each stage of your project, including priority, owner(s), status, due date and details.

Standard Expenses Form

PREMIUM deliverable
by Stefano Pittaluga

This template is aimed at employees of small /medium companies (no more than 200 people). It solves the process of putting together all receipts and expenses after business travel. It allows you to select a project, your generalities and a month/year period. It supports you with some lists and does all the calculations for you.

Occupational Health and Safety (OHS): An Introduction

PREMIUM presentation
by Khaled Istanbouli

Occupational health and safety (OHS)—also commonly referred to as occupational safety and health (OSH), occupational health or workplace health and safety (WHS)—is a multidisciplinary field concerned with the safety, health and welfare of people at work. This presentation provides a primer on important introductory points.

New PM Onboarding Checklist (Korean Translation)

PREMIUM checklist
by Andy Jordan

이 체크리스트를 사용하여 팀에 합류하는 새로운 PM이 성공 가능성이 가장 높은 팀으로 설정되도록하십시오. 이러한 항목 중 일부는 새로운 PM 가입 전에 완료되며, 일부는 시작일 이후 몇 개월 동안 계속됩니다. 체크리스트는 관련된 여러 역할에 대한 여러 영역으로 나뉩니다.

Learn From Others

Are You Making This Resource Capacity Mistake?

by Andy Jordan

When an organization consistently approves too much work, it fails to understand that planned work and work capacity are dramatically out of synch. PMOs must learn to optimize the ability to leverage whatever capacity the company has.

Rightsizing Resource Management for Complex Times

by Kevin Korterud

How can you approach the topic of resource management today in order to both execute delivery initiatives—as well as not bury people to the point where both delivery and essential “day job” duties are at risk?

Create A Talent Culture

by Shaara Roman

How do you attract talent to your organization, and how do you cultivate and retain the talent you have? Building a compelling company culture that emphasizes values, vision, purpose and openness is fundamental. Here are some steps, from recognition to mentorship.

Talent Hunting Today and Tomorrow

by Carleton Chinner

The race to acquire talented resources for your team has never been tighter. Despite the difficulties that surround finding outstanding talent, there are more options than ever. Even traditional ways of finding people have changed. Here’s how you can make the best of finding your new team.

Why Empathy Is Essential to Workforce Wellness

by Sophie Wade

The more your organization can reduce distracting stressors on project teams and individuals, the easier it is for everyone to engage effectively in the work at hand.

Do We Need To Change the Virtual Workforce Paradigm?

by Michael Wood

It looks like 2022 is the year we begin to return back to formal workplaces, at least for some of us. But not everyone is in love with the idea—even some employers. Looking forward, the virtual versus on-site working models will need to find a common ground.

The Importance of Visualizing Work in Large ERP Implementations

by Jason Coe

When managing complex ERP projects, the visual representation of work is essential. It keeps teams focused on the right priorities—and leadership aware of key challenges, like staffing shortages. Here are some options that can help—and some constraints you may encounter.

Fostering a Diverse Workplace and Team

by Emily Luijbregts

Diversity and inclusion is more than just ticking a box; it can be a great way for you to have the best possible team available with the talent that you need to complete the job well. What can you do within your organization to help?

How to Successfully Share Resources (Part 2)

by Andy Jordan

Minimizing the number of times that a resource has to switch between projects and activities can help mitigate negative impacts, but it’s only a short-term solution. There also has to be a permanent solution—or the project risks failure.


"My goal is simple. It is complete understanding of the universe, why it is as it is, and why it exists at all."

- Stephen Hawking

