Project Management

Disciplined Agile and PMBoK Guide 7th Edition

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This blog contains details about various aspects of PMI's Disciplined Agile (DA) tool kit, including new and upcoming topics.

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Requisite Agility applied in Project Management

Disciplined Agile and PMBoK Guide 7th Edition


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Categories: PMBoK, PMI and DA

PMBoK 7th Edition and Disciplined Agile

We are often asked what the relationship is between Disciplined Agile (DA) and A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK®Guide) 7th Edition (PMBoK7). We thought we would share our thoughts on the topic, presented as a frequently asked question (FAQ) list. 


Q: Is PMBoK7 based on DA?

A: No, PMBoK7 was written independently of DA. Like DA, PMBoK7 is based on ideas and experiences from a wide range of people and sources so there’s clear overlap.


Q: How much coverage does DA include of PMBoK7?

A: A lot. As you can see in the DA Browser, techniques captured in both PMBoK7 and PMBoK6 are referenced extensively in DA. Having said that, we’re in the process of updating those references so that they point to the same topics in PMIstandards+, which is PMI’s digital version of our standards, guides, and how-to content.


Q: How much coverage does PMBoK7 include of DA?

A: It depends on how you look at it.  Explicitly, very little.  Implicitly, a fair bit. As we indicated earlier, there is a lot of overlap between what PMBoK7 covers and DA.  Both capture known, effective, and practical strategies.


Q: Why doesn't PMBoK7 include more DA concepts, given that it was published after PMI purchased DA?

A: DA was purchased by PMI in August 2019 and PMBoK7 was published in June 2021. Given that PMBoK7 is an ANSI standard, the submitted version of PMBoK7 was pretty much finalized at the point that PMI acquired DA. 


Q: How do the PMBoK7 principles map to the DA mindset?

The following table presents a mapping of the PMBoK7 principles to the principles, promises, and guidelines of the DA mindset.  We intend to publish a detailed blog on this topic in the near future.

PMBoK7 Principle

Disciplined Agile

Be a diligent, respectful, and caring steward

  • Principle: Be awesome
  • Principle: Enterprise awareness
  • Promise: Create psychological safety and embrace diversity
  • Guideline: Leverage and enhance organizational assets

Create a collaborative team environment

  • Principle: Be awesome
  • Promise: Keep workloads within capacity
  • Guideline: Create effective environments that foster joy
  • Guideline: Attend to relationships through the value stream
  • Guideline: Create semi-autonomous, self-organizing teams

Effectively engage with stakeholders

  • Principle: Delight customers
  • Principle: Enterprise awareness
  • Promise: Collaborate proactively
  • Guideline: Apply design thinking

Focus on value

  • Principle: Delight customers
  • Principle: Organize around products/services
  • Promise: Accelerate value realization
  • Guideline: Apply design thinking
  • Guideline: Attend to relationships through the value stream
  • Guideline: Adopt measures to improve outcomes

Recognize, evaluate, and respond to system interactions

  • Principle: Optimize flow
  • Principle: Context counts
  • Promise: Make all work and workflow visible
  • Guideline: Attend to relationships through the value stream
  • Guideline: Apply design thinking
  • Guideline: Adopt measures to improve outcomes.

Demonstrate leadership behaviors

  • Principle: Be awesome
  • Principle: Be pragmatic
  • Principle: Enterprise awareness
  • Promise: Create psychological safety and embrace diversity
  • Guideline: Attend to relationships

Tailor based on context

  • Principle: Context counts
  • Principle: Choice is good
  • Promise: Improve continuously
  • Guideline: Validate our learnings
  • Guideline: Apply design thinking

Build quality into processes and deliverables

  • Principle: Delight customers
  • Principle: Be awesome
  • Principle: Optimize flow
  • Promise: Improve continuously
  • Guideline: Adopt measures to improve outcomes
  • Guideline: Leverage and enhance organizational assets

Navigate complexity

  • Principle: Be pragmatic
  • Principle: Organize around products/services
  • Promise: Make all work and workflow visible
  • Promise: Collaborate proactively
  • Guideline: Attend to relationships through the value stream
  • Guideline: Create semi-autonomous, self-organizing teams

Optimize risk responses

  • Principle: Be pragmatic
  • Principle: Enterprise awareness
  • Principle: Delight customers
  • Principle: Optimize flow
  • Promise: Make all work and workflow visible
  • Promise: Collaborate proactively

Embrace adaptability and resiliency

  • Principle: Be pragmatic
  • Principle: Enterprise Awareness
  • Promise: Improve continuously
  • Guideline: Adopt measures to improve outcomes.
  • Guideline: Leverage and enhance organizational assets

Enable change to achieve the envisioned future state

  • Principle: Context Counts
  • Principle: Choice is good
  • Principle: Enterprise awareness
  • Promise: Improve continuously
  • Promise: Collaborate proactively
  • Guideline: Validate our learnings
  • Guideline: Attend to relationships through the value stream
  • Guideline: Change culture by improving the system
  • Guideline: Adopt measures to improve outcomes


Q: How do PMBoK7 and DA differ?

A: PMBoK7, and the supporting materials in PMIstandards+, is a deep dive into Project Management. DA’s scope is much broader in that it addresses enterprise agility, putting a wide range of strategies that include but go beyond project management into context.  Where PMBoK7 is deep, DA is broad.


Q: Where can I learn more about DA?

A: The Disciplined Agile Hub on is a great starting point, as are the Introduction to DA and the Disciplined Agile Tool Kit pages.


Q: Where can I learn more about PMBoK7?

A: You can access A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK®Guide) 7th Edition here. As a PMI member you can download a personalized PDF free of charge.



I'd like to thank Mike Griffiths for his input that went into this blog.

Posted by Scott Ambler on: November 09, 2021 03:46 PM | Permalink

Comments (18)

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Rami Kaibni
Community Champion
Senior Projects Manager | Field & Marten Associates New Westminster, British Columbia, Canada

That is amazing - Thank you and Mike for putting this together. I especially appreciate the mapping table and find it very valuable.


Junaid Sagheer Senior Technical Project Manager/ Scrum Master| Confiz Bentonville, AR, USA
Thank you and Mike. Table mapping is a great source of reference from original authors/contributors.

I have few questions on same topic:

1. How much DA concepts will be included in PMBoK8.
2. Will DABoK become a reference book to pass PMP exam in near future.

Thank you in Advance.

Sergio Luis Conte Helping to create solutions for everyone| Worldwide based Organizations Buenos Aires, Argentina
Thank you very much. A must read for people like me that have to find ways to make both works together.

Luis Branco CEO| Business Insight, Consultores de Gestão, Ldª Carcavelos, Lisboa, Portugal
Dear Scott
This topic that brought to our reflection and debate is very interesting.
thanks for sharing

I consider to be particularly relevant the mapping of the PMBoK7 principles and the DA mentality principles, promises and guidelines

Mark Geres Director| PM by Design Canada, Inc. Cantley, Quebec, Canada
Did you know? Choose Your Wow and Disciplined Agile (DA) address the use of life cycles differently than the PMBOK® Guide – Seventh Edition does.

Thx to PMI’s assistance on LinkedIn ~3mths ago (see excerpt below)—I started to understand/appreciate the synergy.

Hat’s off to PMI for their assistance. Bravo!

“Choose Your Wow and Disciplined Agile (DA) address the use of life cycles differently than the PMBOK® Guide – Seventh Edition does, but DA certainly fits within the Seventh Edition. The generic Disciplined Agile life cycle is comprised of three phases: Inception, Construction, and Transition, with Choose Your Wow specifically focusing on the Construction phase. In contrast, the PMBOK® Guide – Seventh Edition looks at life cycles and phases using a wider lens. It takes the position that the phases in a project life cycle, and the number of phases, depend on several variables, such as industry, stakeholders, the organization, the environment, and more. It goes further to say these variables will influence which approach you use to develop each project outcome: agile, waterfall, iterative, incremental, or a hybrid approach that is some combination of these.

Because of this wide definition of life cycle, nothing in Choose Your Wow or DA negates the principles or other content in the PMBOK® Guide –Seventh Edition. But because DA is focused on agile, it has a narrower view than the Seventh Edition, which focuses on the practitioner’s right to choose the best approach.”

Mark Geres Director| PM by Design Canada, Inc. Cantley, Quebec, Canada

Good work Scott. For me, it reinforces the value/need for a PMBOK7 Standards Errata Sheet to alleviate confusion that exists between the two products.

“The issuance of an errata does not lessen the value of the original publication. Since the vast majority of a book’s content is typically unaffected by errata, an errata sheet should be viewed as a supplement to a viable publication.”—Standards Errata Sheets | PMI

Victor Cristobal Morocho Moreno Quito, Pichincha, Ecuador
Thanks for the map is an excellent understanding help that will allow a better application of each source.

Mark Geres Director| PM by Design Canada, Inc. Cantley, Quebec, Canada
Adding to the conversation.

So many of us use the term ‘Agile’ when we speak or write about project management approaches.

To me this is very misleading or, at the very least, confusing to the uninitiated.

So happy that PMI discerns between ‘Agile’ and ‘Adaptive’!

Noteworthy In the PMBOK® Guide – Seventh Edition

‘Agile’ is a term used to describe a mindset of values and principles as set forth in the Agile Manifesto.

While agility is a wide mindset that is broader than a development framework, agile approaches can be considered 'adaptive'.

SIDE NOTE: Development approaches can be predictive, iterative, incremental, agile, or hybrid method. Which is best? That's where tailoring is essential. Tailoring is the the deliberate adaptation of approach, governance, and processes to make them more suitable for the given environment and the work at hand.

Mark Geres Director| PM by Design Canada, Inc. Cantley, Quebec, Canada
Noteworthy too is FAQ #7 in PMBOK® Guide – Seventh Edition FAQs Updated 1 December 2021

It helps me put DA into perspective. DA is ‘one’ of many ways of working practitioners can use to guide projects.


How does this change fit with other published approaches, such as PRINCE2®, ITIL, Disciplined AgileTM and others?

We recognize there are many ways of working practitioners can use to guide projects. That is why the standard and guide do not prescribe a particular approach. Multiple approaches fit within the principles of the standard and the project performance domains described in the guide.

Izar Zainudin Operation Manager| MSI Petaling Jaya, 10, Malaysia
Thank you

Karsten Zenk Project Engineer| *** Wolfenbuettel, Niedersachsen, Germany
Thank you for the mapping table.

Antonio Villarruel Project Management Coordinator| Saputo Inc. San Fernando, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Thanks for the mapping table, very useful.

Maxim Shevelev Haifa, Ta, Israel
Thank you, very much!!

Binay Samanta Director| Project & Environment Consultants Dhanbad, India
PMBoK7, and the supporting materials in PMIstandards , is a deep dive into Project Management. DAs scope is much broader in that it addresses enterprise agility, putting a wide range of strategies that include but go beyond project management into context.

Hajer Aissi Project Manager| KAU Jeddah, Slimania, Saudi Arabia
DA proposed solutions for all type of projects... It facilates the project manager mission and gives him a great flexibility in managing within organization context.. PMbok7 and DA are complementary...

Thanks, DA is more explicit !

Kwiyuh Michael Wepngong
Community Champion
Financial Management Specialist | US Peace Corps / Cameroon Yaounde, Centre, Cameroon

Danny Seow
Community Champion
Tokyo, Japan
Quite an interesting read!

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- Anonymous

