Project Management

Most Influential Projects 2020

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Project Management Institute has unveiled the 2020 edition of the Most Influential Projects, which highlights 259 efforts, each a distinct masterclass in how to navigate change and deliver results. The projects demonstrate many pivots born of the global pandemic, but also shifts in response to pre-coronavirus forces, from sustainability to quantum computing.

The honorees—an overall Top 50 as well as Top 10s in 30 categories—represent the creative spirit shaping how the world collectively reimagines a new future. What’s more, they describe an emerging playbook for impact and success in a world that will never be the same. Four key elements of that playbook are summarized in “Why Projects Matter More Than Ever”:

  • Always Innovate, Even If Imperfectly
  • Amplify Collaboration Across Disciplines
  • Lean Into Social Impact
  • Create the Future

The Most Influential Projects offer a unifying theme: the ability to turn bold ideas into a new reality. As Melati Wijsen, the 19-year-old co-founder of UpLink member Bye Bye Plastic Bags put it: “We don’t look at today’s challenges as a burden. We look at them as an opportunity.”

You can explore the entire list, including Top 10 lists in 21 industries and nine regions, here, the home of the Most Influential Projects 2020. And the No. 1 Most Influential Project of 2020? It's the US$125 million COVID-19 Therapeutics Accelerator, which aims to identify, accelerate and scale potential COVID-19 treatments by coordinating R&D efforts.

Posted by Aaron Smith on: November 10, 2020 12:32 PM | Permalink

Comments (8)

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Eduin Fernando Valdes Alvarado Project Manager| F y F Fabricamos Futuro Villavicencio, Meta, Colombia
Thanks for sharing

Ethan Dwyer Or, USA
Thank you for posting! This is very interesting, 2020 is the first year of an annual effort to recognize the 50 most influential projects of the year. And what a year to start! There has been so much innovation and increased speed in delivery due to the pandemic.

Rami Kaibni
Community Champion
Senior Projects Manager | Field & Marten Associates New Westminster, British Columbia, Canada
Thanks Aaron.

Marcus Udokang Project Manager| Aivaz Consulting Calgary, Alberta, Canada
This is fabulous. Thanks for posting these top project lists. Very insightful. The lists articulate areas that some of us may be very new to, and opens up and displays infinite possibilities in the PM field.

Syed Arshad Ali Ahmed General Systems Analyst| SCC Hyderabad, Telengana, India
Aaron, appreciate your share...!

Mushtaq Abdulrahimzai SWIS| Surrey Schools District 36 Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Thank you, great one.

Mohammad Riyadh Alam Sr. Project Manager| Med Group
Thanks for the insights.

Paphatpisit Klinklan Regional Sourcing and Operation Manager| Krones (Thailand) Co., Ltd Samutprakan, Thailand

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