The integration of virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) into business processes and operations has begun and is already causing some unexpected issues. The integration of VR and AR is all about innovation and breaking the rules! We have experienced this type of disruption before. However, the cumulative implications of VR and AR should be underestimated. Some people dread the disruption this is and will continue to cause. Many now believe that VR and AR will have at least a moderate impact on social norms. That will further disrupt the status quo. All of this has some researchers in psychiatry and behavioral health beginning to examine the implications and the resistance that some professionals are exhibiting. With VR and AR as well as the other breakthrough technologies that have begun to emerge we will all be challenged!
Get ready for VR and AR
Posted on: January 17, 2018 03:42 PM |
Comments (7)
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Rami Kaibni
Community Champion
Senior Projects Manager | Field & Marten Associates
New Westminster, British Columbia, Canada
First time I heard of this - Good Info but seems I have lots of reading to do to be able to understand. Any good Links ?
@ Rami I have been looking for a good objective VR/AR application site and I have not been able to find ANY. IF I do I will post it here.
Rami Kaibni
Community Champion
Senior Projects Manager | Field & Marten Associates
New Westminster, British Columbia, Canada
@Kevin, thanks a lot.
Likewise Rami.
Good article, Kev!
I'm looking forward to the day when budding PMs can experience a realistic VR simulation similar to Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan's Kobayashi Maru to test their mettle!
I'm looking forward to the day when budding PMs can experience a realistic VR simulation similar to Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan's Kobayashi Maru to test their mettle!
Eduin Fernando Valdes Alvarado
Project Manager| F y F Fabricamos Futuro
Villavicencio, Meta, Colombia
Thanks for sharing
Good article and thanks for sharing
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