Project Management

PMI Global Insights

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Whether it’s in-person or virtual, PMI events give you the right skills to complete amazing projects. In this blog, whether it be our Virtual Experience Series, PMI Training (formerly Seminars World) or PMI® Global Summit, experienced event presenters past, present and future from the entire PMI event family share their knowledge on a wide range of issues important to project managers.

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Viewing Posts by Olivia Montgomery

Leveraging EQ in Decision-Making & Growing Your Influence

Categories: Global Summit 2023

By: Olivia Montgomery
Assoc. Principal Analyst, Capterra

From juggling tight deadlines to managing diverse teams, the challenges for project managers are endless. Yet, there's one skill that has consistently stood out as a game-changer: emotional intelligence (or emotional quotient - EQ). I'm excited to share insights from my latest research and actionable recommendations with you at the upcoming PMI Global Summit 2023 in my session, "Leveraging EQ as a Superpower in Decision-Making & Growing Your Influence."

Capterra’s recent study finds that 77% of the most successful project managers say EQ is very important, and they’re using the skill more often over the past two years. This 45-minute lightning session will focus on specific steps you can take to increase your EQ and how to use high-EQ techniques to help stakeholders make better decisions and grow your influence as a change maker.

The power of emotional intelligence

Emotional intelligence (EQ) is the ability to perceive, use, understand, and manage your own emotions as well as others'. The most successful project managers (PMs) know how to foster “productive” emotions, setting up their teams to make informed decisions and build strong relationships.

Capterra’s research has consistently shown that PMs using high-EQ techniques create a collaborative environment where stakeholders feel comfortable openly discussing tough problems and finding the best solutions. In fact, 92% of PMs think a high level of EQ within a project team positively impacts the quality of strategic decision-making.

Blending research findings with actionable insights

It's not enough to simply know the importance of EQ—you need to know how to apply it in your day-to-day project management practices. That's where my conference session comes in. I’ll be sharing specific steps that you can immediately start leveraging EQ to increase your effectiveness at leading key decision-making processes. Here’s a quick teaser of what attendees will learn:

  • Self-awareness: Identify and understand your own emotions and how they impact your decisions. Use techniques like journaling or mindfulness to gain better self-awareness.
  • Communication: Effective communication is at the heart of EQ. I'll provide practical communication strategies that can diffuse conflicts and foster collaboration.
  • Decision-making: Discover how to help stakeholders make decisions that not only consider facts and data but also consider the emotions of those involved.
  • Influence: Grow your influence and improve your reputation as a reliable, honest, and effective leader who senior leadership turns to for help delivering business value.

Emotional intelligence is the superpower that every PM should possess. It's not just a buzzword; it's a tangible skill that can elevate your career. Join me October 28th at 10:15 a.m. EST for my session, "Leveraging EQ as a Superpower in Decision-Making & Growing Your Influence," where I'll dive deeper into my research findings and provide you with more actionable takeaways that can transform your project management approach.

Join me at the PMI’s Global Summit 2023.

Together, we'll unlock the potential of EQ in project management and set you on a path to greater success. I look forward to seeing you there!

Posted by Olivia Montgomery on: September 25, 2023 03:36 PM | Permalink | Comments (6)

"Few things are harder to put up with than the annoyance of a good example."

- Mark Twain

