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Fear of losing skills
Mirza Mohibulla Baig Engineering Manager (AV System)| Samir Group Al Khobar, Eastern Region, Saudi Arabia
Hello everyone. Times are tough and market is squeezing now adays. And it is possible that professionals have to pick up jobs which doesn't match the skills of an individual. During these times, how can a management professional polish and develop his skills if his current job is not related with management. ? I am facing this crisis and I believe a talent not used is a talent lost. Any help?
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Juan Gabriel Gantiva Vergara IT PMO Manager| Private Madrid, Spain
I believe that you should make a map of hard and soft skills, then do a comparison with what the market is asking for. I also consider betting on new trends (being the first is a differentiator)
1 reply by Karen Wisne
Sep 30, 2017 9:33 PM
Karen Wisne
Mapping hard and soft skills is good advice. You state your current role has nothing to do with management, but if you look closely, you are managing your own work, influencing the work of others around you, and supporting a manager. Even without the title of PM, you can put your skills to work ~ can you suggest process improvements? Identify risks in your workspace? Communicate with others appropriately? Practice identifying stakeholders and make note of how you might handle situations differently.

Every PM started out as a non-manager and used skills learned in other roles to convince some poor Sponsor to give us the reigns on his pet project.

Good Luck!
Eric Simms Senior Program Manager| Amtrak Baltimore, Maryland, USA
Good questions. You can usually find ways to practice management skills in everyday life, not just in the office.
1 reply by Jim Branden
Sep 22, 2017 10:05 AM
Jim Branden
Your spouse or partner will be your most demanding sponsor ;-) Jim
Kiron Bondale
Community Champion
Mentor| World Class Productivity Inc. Welland, Ontario, Canada
Mirza -

if you don't have management opportunities or activities in your full-time role, look at a volunteer opportunity after working hours with a charitable organization or not-for-profit. They are usually very eager to have folks demonstrate leadership on key events...

Deepa Kalangi Manager, Program Management, Author, Trainer| CVS Health Portland, Or, USA
Hi Mirza
Yes, you are right, its always useful and recommended to keep honing your skills so you are upto date. Inorder to do the same, you first acquire skills from your current job, if not, you can volunteer for PMI activities, events, chapters etc. Read related blog posts. Listen to podcasts, read books, mentor others on the same. They are all very useful to keep yourself up to date.
1 reply by Md. Masudur Rahman
Oct 28, 2017 10:58 PM
Md. Masudur Rahman
I am agreed with Deepa Kalangi, volunteer works for PMI events & activities will support you
Stéphane Parent Self Employed / Semi-retired| Leader Maker Prince Edward Island, Canada
Like Kiron, I find volunteer organizations more than happy to have you practice your project management skills for them.

The bonus is that you can then add that experience to your résumé.
Dhiraj Bellara Agile Coach| Tata Consultancy Services Quito, Pichincha, Ecuador
According to me, the best way to maintain your skills is doing freelance projects or volunteering in your free time.
Keith Emery St. Louis, Mo, USA
If you have time, volunteer work for a charity that could use your expertise is an ideal way to keep your skills honed while doing someone some additional good.
Gary Pastiva Plant Heat and Vent Skilled Tradsmen| University of Michigan Dearborn New Baltimore, Mi, USA
I have found the best way for me to keep my skills sharp is to teach others. You will gain a greater apparition of what you know and what you don't know.
DEBASISH MOHANTY Director , Digital Practice| iAssess Digital Technology Pvt. Ltd. Bangalore, Karnataka, India
Found PM Challenge Q&A Series quiet intuitive to keep Learning Curve remain high in additions to project assignments.
1 reply by Jim Branden
Sep 22, 2017 10:15 AM
Jim Branden
Debasish, I agree and drilled into the PMBOK(r) to find the answers for the questions that stumped me. I learned more from that effort than just the reinforcement of when I was correct. I also offered my feedback on questions where I didn't agree with the wording of the question or the answer. PMI very respectfully acknowledged my input (and agreed with me on some of my comments). Makes a happy member to help others.
Jim Branden Senior Project Manager| Retired from UNC Charlotte - IT Services - PPMO Charlotte, Nc, USA
Sep 19, 2017 1:01 PM
Replying to Eric Simms
Good questions. You can usually find ways to practice management skills in everyday life, not just in the office.
Your spouse or partner will be your most demanding sponsor ;-) Jim
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"My way of joking is to tell the truth. It is the funniest joke in the world."

- George Bernard Shaw

