Project Management

The Money Files

A blog that looks at all aspects of project and program finances from budgets, estimating and accounting to getting a pay rise and managing contracts. Written by Elizabeth Harrin from

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Recent Posts

Do you have your head in the sand about these project challenges?

Project initiation: Tips for starting off right

Tips for Knowledge Sharing in Teams

Benefits of visual reporting

Psychological safety: The bedrock of team performance


accounting, agile, ai, appraisals, Artificial Intelligence, audit, Benchmarking, benefits, Benefits Management, Benefits Realization, books, budget, Business Case, business case, carnival, case study, Change Management, checklist, collaboration tools, Communication, communication, competition, complex projects, config management, consultancy, contingency, contracts, corporate finance, Cost, cost, cost management, credit crunch, CRM, data, debate, Decision Making, delegating, digite, earned value, Energy and Utilities, Estimating, events, FAQ, financial management, forecasting, future, GDPR, general, Goals, Governance, green, Human Resources PM, Innovation, insurance, interviews, it, IT Strategy, Knowledge Management, Leadership, Lessons Learned, measuring performance, merger, methods, metrics, multiple projects, negotiating, news, Olympics, organization, Organizational Culture, outsourcing, personal finance, pmi, PMO, portfolio management, Portfolios (PPM), presentations, process, procurement, productivity, Program Management, Programs (PMO), project closure, project data, project delivery, project testing, prototyping, qualifications, Quality, quality, Quarterly Review, records, recruitment, reports, requirements, research, resilience, resources, Risk, risk, ROI, salaries, Scheduling, Scope, scope, small projects, social media, software, Stakeholder, stakeholders, success factors, supplier management, team, Teams, Time, timesheets, tips, training, transparency, trends, value management, vendors, video, virtual teams, workflow


About this Blog

This blog is written by


"Don't play the saxophone. Let it play you."

- Charlie Parker

